About us

Kaas & Kirkemann Insurance Broker

Kaas & Kirkemann Insurance Broker was established in 1996 by Pernille Kaas og Ole Kirkemann. The 1st of January 2012 Ole Kirkemann retired and today Pernille Kaas is the sole owner of the company.

Our company is specialized in insurance matters for expats in Spain. We find the best insurance solution for Europeans who live in Spain on a permanently or temporary basis. Kaas & Kirkemann Insurance Broker colaborates with the insurance companies we find most attractive for our client´s requirements and needs.

Our team has the required levels of studies within insurance in Spain according to Spanish law. We are constantly being updated on legal matters and practise within the Spanish insurance industry.

When our clients have a claim we do our best to give them professional advice. We handle the claim between the insurance companies and our clients. Without any extra costs we also help with language difficulties which can occur in a claim situation with assessors, garages, plumbers etc.

Kaas & Kirkemann

According to Spanish law 734/2004 of the 11th of March 2004, Kaas & Kirkemann Insurance Broker has an external client´s department for claims. You can either write your claim to atencionalcliente@aunnaasociacion.es or call 910 327 427.

Kaas & Kirkemann is an authorized Insurance Broker. Our legal number from the Spanish Authorities is CJ/0038. You can find more information on following link from Dirección General de Seguros www.dgsfp.mineco.es


We have been member of the Association of Insurance Intermediaries (Colegio de Mediadores de Seguros) in Málaga since 1999.

Kaas & Kirkemann Insurance Broker is member of Aunna Asociación www.aunnaasociacion.es

Every year we support the charity organizations BUSF and DIANOVA. We also support many local associations and charities.


(+34) 952 47 83 83



Opening hours

Monday to Thursday: 10:00 – 14:00 & 15:00 – 17:00
Friday: 10:00 – 14:00

August and July
10:00 – 14:00


Centro Idea. Ctra. de Mijas, km. 3,6. 29650 Mijas

We collaborate with

Legal number from the Spanish Authorities: CJ/0038.
Member of the Association of Insurance Intermediaries (Colegio de Mediadores de Seguros) in Málaga since 1999 and Aunna Asociación.